URGENT NEED ... Irvin Heath, (right) President of HCR (Handex Consulting and Remediation LLC, based in Mount Dora), along with a group of industry experts, recently met with Florida Governor, Charlie Crist, urging him to help reinstate the Florida Inland Petroleum Trust Fund (IPTF). The IPTF was established to fund environmental cleanups of petroleum contamination at more than 2,000 Florida sites where pollution is in endangering Florida drinking water. Heath is chairman of the Environmental Subcommittee of the Florida Petroleum Marketers Assn. (FPMA).
For more information contact:
Irvin R. Heath, President-Elect FPMA/Chair, Environmental Committee, and President, HCR (Handex Consulting and Remediation, LLC), 352-735-1800 ext. 127, IHeath@handexmail.com
Larry Vershel or Beth Payan, Larry Vershel Communications, 407-644-4142, Lvershelco@aol.com
About HCR:
HCR is headquartered in Mount Dora with offices in Tallahassee, Tampa, Delray, Fla. and in central New Jersey. HCR has over 120 employees serving clients that range from state environmental protection agencies, industrial and commercial firms to some of the largest U.S. major and independent oil corporations and convenience store operators. Due to potential stimulus project work, HCR is also focused on providing services to the transportation and construction business sectors. As HCR’s record shows, the company can perform all environmental component work.
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